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2021年福建银行招聘考试笔试备考:历年真题演练 34

福建银行招聘考试网 | 2021-01-18 15:24


  Passage 2

  One of the many things that is common to humans across cultures is the need to belong and be accepted by others.This is one of the reasons people seek to spend time bonding with family, friends, hobby-buddies, sports fans, and religious groups. But why do humans need to belong? The answer people always received might be "Because humans are social animals!"

  Social psychologists have been studying our need for belonging for over a century and one of the most famous studies on this subject was done by Abraham Maslow who in 1943 proposed that this human need to belong was one of the five basic needs required for self-actualization. In fact, after physiological needs (like food and sleep) and safety needs, he ranked the need for belonging as the next level up in his Hierarchy of Needs".

  “Survival for the fittest” is probably another answer you will hear when you ask “why do I have to fit in?”.This phrase was invented by Herbert Spencer in Principles of Biology(1864) to describe Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection of living species. By the early 1900’s it was being applied from biology to other areas, like social studies. Simply put, it means that those best fit in the particular conditions or environment will survive in the long run.

  According to a paper by psychologists Roy Baumeister and Mark Leary, It’s because of a fundamental “need to belong”. The "belongingness hyoptheisstates" that people have a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others, and that caring bonds from close relationships are a major part of human behavior.

  In another word, it means that it is a basic human instinct although some value it more than others. We, as social beings, all want to fit in and to belong.In order to achieve that, most of us often present slightly different versions of who we are, depending on the environment and who we are with. We might have many edition’s of ourselves- for work, or at home or even online. All modified or changed in order to be accepted in that particular situation. Like the Psychologist William James once said," A man has as many social selves as there are distinct groups of persons about social selves as there are distinct groups of persons about whose opinion he cares. He generally shows a different side of himself to each of these different groups."

  This works very well for most of us, but some people only have one version of themselves topresent. As a doctor working in psychiatry, I meet a lot of people who do not belong. They are unable, or unwilling, to change themselves to fit society's expectations. Because their behavior or appearance are different from most of the people, they are the goats among the herd of sheep. We may think their hair is a little too long, their clothes a little unusual or they may also have mental problems. And the true sadness is that people who are different from others are more likely to have mental health problems. These problems are not usually because they are wrong being goats but because how they are treated by the sheep. If they are not loved or even not respected as who they are, life can be very difficult. It is a lot of pressure to be a goat in a world full of sheep. AS a result, some of them just end up trying to be the sheep.

  In social psychology, this questions answerable by the concept of information social influence. This usually happens to a person who lacks knowledge and seeks guidance from the group. When a person is in a difficult situation and he does not know what to do,he is more likely to depend on others instead of thinking for himself information conformity also applies to not knowing what to do in a crisis, where an immediate action is needed.People tend to learn from others because it is much easier to solve the problem and ease the fears.


  36. Why do people who are different from others are more likely to have mental problems?(  )

  A. Because they are wrong being different.

  B. Because they are unable to change how they look or behave.

  C. Because they are unwilling to change themselves to fit in.

  D. Because they are not respected or understood.

  【答案】C。题干问为什么与他人不同的人更容易有精神问题?定位第六段 They are unable, or unwilling, to change themselves to fit society's expectations.他们无法或不愿改变自己以适应社会的期望。A 项:因为他们的不同是错误的;B 项:因为他们无法改变自己的外貌或行为;C 项:因为他们不愿意改变自己来适应;D 项:因为他们不被尊重或理解。故本题正确答案选 C。

  37. According to the article, when do people tend to follow other people? (  )

  A. When they feel pressured by the outside world.

  B. When they are in difficult situations and need others' help.

  C. When they grow older and more mature.

  D. When they realize that they are wrong.

  【答案】B。题干问根据这篇文章,人们什么时候倾向于跟随别人?定位最后一段 When a person is in a difficult situation and he does not know what to do,he is more likely to depend on others instead of thinking for himself information conformity also applies to not knowing what to do in a crisis, where an immediate action is needed 当一个人处于困境,他不知道该做什么,他更有可能依赖别人,而不是自己思考信息一致性也适用于不知道在危机中该做什么,在危机中需要立即采取行动。故本题正确答案选 B。

  38. The theories used to explain "why people need to belong" include the following, EXCEPT: (  )

  A. The goat and sheep relation in biology.

  B. The survival for the fittest principle in biology.

  C. The informational social influence concept in social psychology.

  D. The belonging hypothesis in psychology.

  【答案】A。题干问用来解释“为什么人们需要归属”的理论包括以下几点,除了......A项定位倒数第二段,但只是举了个例子;B 定位第三段开头“Survival for the fittest” is probably another answer you will hear when you ask “why do I have to fit in?”;C 项定位最后一段 In social psychology, this questions answerable by the concept of information social influence;D 定位第四段第二句 The "belongingness hyoptheisstates" that people have a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others。故本题正确答案选 A。

  39. What is the author's intention to talk about these theories in her article? (  )

  A. To show readers the issue is difficult to explain.

  B. To teach readers about these theories.

  C. To tell readers what she knows about.

  D. To make readers believe her explanations.

  【答案】B。题干问作者在她的文章中谈论这些理论的意图是什么?A 项:向读者展示这个问题很难解释;B 项:教导读者这些理论;C 项:告诉读者她所知道的;D 项:让读者相信她的解释。通读文章,作者在通过一些理论解释人为什么要归属,所以 B 正确。故本 题正确答案选 B。

  40. What is the author's main purpose for writing this article? (  )

  A. To tell us to change ourselves and fit in the society.

  B. To show the problems when someone can't fit in.

  C. To give us advice on how to fit into the society.

  D. To help us understand why people are trying to fit in.

  【答案】D。主旨题。A 项:告诉我们要改变自己,适应社会;B 项:当某人不能适应的时候展示问题;C 项:给我们如何融入社会的建议;D 项:帮助我们理解为什么人们试图融入社会。全文在讲为什么人类需要归属呢?所以作者在试图解释,让我们更好的理解。故本题正确答案选 D。



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