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2021年福建银行招聘考试笔试备考:历年真题演练 32

福建银行招聘考试网 | 2021-01-18 14:59


  28. Girls tend to (  ) discussion and employ “collective intelligence” to the task of discovering a way out.

  A. evacuate

  B. Impart

  C. elicit

  D. withdraw

  【答案】C。“女孩倾向于引起讨论,用集体智慧找到解决问题的方法”。elicit discussion:引起讨论。A 项 evacuate:撤退;B 项 impart:给予、告知;D 项 withdraw:撤离。故本题正确答案选 C。

  29. I want to (  ) my salary into this account every month.

  A. put

  B. charge

  C. withdraw

  D. deposit

  【答案】D。“我想每个月把工资存入这个账户”。deposit the salary into account:收入存到账户。A 项 put:放、安置;B 项 charge:控告、记账;C 项 withdraw:取钱。故本题正确答案选 D。

  30. Pine Tree Multimedia Corp. is a leading U.S. media company, focused (  ) on magazines and broadcasting.

  A. primarily

  B. popularly

  C. valuably

  D. usefully

  【答案】A。“这家公司引领美国媒体,其主要依赖杂志和广播”。A 项 primarily:主要地;B 项 popularly:流行;C 项 valuably:有价值地;D 项 usefully:有效地。结合句意可知补充“主要地”更合适,故本题正确答案选 A。



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