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2021年福建银行招聘考试笔试备考:历年真题演练 33

福建银行招聘考试网 | 2021-01-18 15:00



  Passage 1

  Plastic,and in particular single-use plastic shopping bags, are a major environmental concern. Most of the plastic that has been produced still persists, and yes,it is a problem that will outlive people for many centuries.

  History of Plastic Bag Use

  Plastic bags are a relatively new item in grocery stores.They were not produced until the early 1960s and were not in common use in grocery stores until 1982, reports National Geographic. Plastic can be used for a variety of purposes and is very cheap, which has made it widely used in daily life today. However, bags that are discarded after just one use have become a major environment concern.

  The ubiquity of plastics

  The Guardian reported a scientific study in 2016 which has estimated the enormity of plastic pollution. The study found that no corner of the world is free of plastic waste anymore, and theenvironment can no longer be considered healthy. Even Arctic regions are polluted by plastic as are oceans and the ocean bed. Plastic's effect on the environment is so severe that the scientists consider plastics "should now be considered as a marker for a new epoch" in the geological lite of the earth. They found that single-use plastic bags and cups are the main pollutants.The current age could well be dubbed the "Age of Plastics" due to the negative effect of plastic, and the act hat their degradation rates is slow,ensuring that they will remain intact for a long time in landfills and ocean bottoms.

  Amounts of Plastic Bags Used and Discarded

  The number of plastic bags being produced has been increasing over the years, with many of the single-use bags being given away free of charge in many supermarkets and stores. By 2002 a total of five trillion plastic bags were produced annually, reports Worldwatch Institute. Of these, one trillion were single-use bags.Developed countries like the U.S. and Europe consume 80% of the global production of plastic bags.

  Recycling Potential of Different Plastics

  Post-use plastic bags are not always accepted at the plastic recycle bins. The EnvironmentalProtection Agency(EPA) explains that it is because they could clog and disrupt machines. Therefore, finding places to dispose plastic bags is a problem for many households.

  Adding to the confusion are the different materials used to make the bags. The thicker bags are made of high-density polyethylene (HDEP or #2 plastic), but the thinner bags are made from low-density polyethylene (LDEP or #4 plastic) according to an American Chemistry Council (ACC) report.

  These types need different process to recycle and reclaim the material. Therefore, all bags have not been welcomed at recycling centers. If the plastic bags are not recycled but end up in landfills, they could take hundreds of years to decompose.

  However, this situation has just begun to improve. HDEP plastics or the thicker bags are readily accepted for recycling. The collection of LDEP is just catching on in bigger cities in recent times according to Columbia University.


  31. According to the information given in the passage, which of the following statement would the author be more likely to support? (  )

  A. The developing countries have more responsibility as they are the biggest consumers.

  B. The development of the recycling system might lead to improvements of the situation.

  C. Plastic bags,especially single-use ones,should be banned for the sake of environment.

  D. HDEP plastics which are thicker should be provided in stores rather than the LDEP ones.

  【答案】B。题干问根据文章中给出的信息,作者更可能支持下列哪一种说法?A 项:发展中国家有更多的责任,因为它们是最大的消费者;B 项:回收系统的发展可能会导致情况的改善;C 项:为了保护环境,塑料袋,尤其是一次性塑料袋应该被禁止;D 项:较厚的HDEP 塑料应该在商店而不是 LDEP 商店中提供。A 项无中生有;C 项文中没有说到禁止塑料袋;D 项表述错误。故本题正确答案选 B。

  32. According to the 3rd paragraph,the scientists consider plastics "should now be considered as a marker for a new epoch" to indicate (  ) .

  A. the difficulties to deal with the plastic waste.

  B. the important role of plastics in people's daily lives.

  C. the impact of plastics on the environment on this planet.

  D. the large amount of plastics on earth.

  【答案】C。题干问根据第三段,科学家们认为塑料“现在应该被认为是一个新时代的标志”表明......。定位第二个小标题下,Plastic's effect on the environment is so severe that the scientists consider plastics "should now be considered as a marker for a new epoch"塑料对环境的影响是如此严重,以至于科学家们认为,在地球的地质构造中,塑料“现在应该被认为是一个新时代的标志”,可知是塑料袋对环境的影响。故本题正确答案选 C。

  33. What is the main strategy did the author apply to express her ideas throughout the article? (  )

  A. She conducted research to provide empirical data for her ideas.

  B. She told the readers some real stories to draw their attention.

  C. She cited some reports to make her ideas more convincing

  D. She gave some examples to make her ideas more concrete.

  【答案】C。题干问作者在整篇文章中运用了什么策略来表明她的观点?A 项:她进行了研究,为她的想法提供了实证数据;B 项:她给读者讲了一些真实的故事来吸引他们的注意力;C 项:她引用了一些报道来使她的观点更有说服力;D 项:她举了一些例子使她的想法更具体。通读文章发现第二段,第三段都出现了 report,所以 C 正确。故本题正确答案选C。

  34. The following are the main reasons why plastic bags have become a major environmental concern EXCEPT that (  ).

  A. they are easy to be produced and very cheap.

  B. the recycling systems not efficient yet.

  C. it takes hundreds of years for them to break down.

  D. people discard plastic bags after one use in great deal.

  【答案】B。是非题。题干问以下是塑料袋成为一个主要的环境问题的主要原因,除了......AD 项定位第二段,Plastic can be used for a variety of purposes and is very cheap, which has made it widely used in daily life today. However, bags that are discarded after just one use have become a major environment concern 正确,排除;C 定位最后一个小标题下,If the plastic bags are not recycled but end up in landfills, they could take hundreds of years to decompose 排除。故本题正确答案选 B。

  35. What do you think is the author's main purpose for writing this article? (  )

  A. To tell people the important role of plastic bags in people's daily lives.

  B. To warn people not to use plastic products any longer to protect our environment.

  C. To introduce some recycling methods to deal with the pollution caused by plastics.

  D. To inform the readers the status quo of plastic using, recycling and the impact.

  【答案】D。主旨题。A 项:告诉人们塑料袋在人们日常生活中的重要作用;B 项:警告人们不要再使用塑料制品来保护我们的环境;C 项:介绍一些回收利用的方法来处理塑料造成的污染;D 项:向读者介绍塑料的使用、回收利用现状及影响。文段先讲述了塑料袋的危害性以及需要很长时间降解,但日常生活中人们又大量的使用,最后表明有些塑料可以降解,所以 D 更全面。故本题正确答案选 D。



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