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2021年福建银行招聘考试笔试备考:历年真题演练 25

福建银行招聘考试网 | 2021-01-18 14:39


  7. It is, now (  ) to import goods into the country than it was a few years ago.

  A. harder

  B. more hard

  C. hard

  D. much harder

  【答案】D。考察比较级。A 项 hard 的比较级;B 项表述错误;C 项原形;D 项表示程度更加难。排除 BC。句意:与几年前相比,现在向中国进口商品要困难得多。根据句意可知是更加难。故本题正确答案选 D。

  8. The high-context Chinese are frequently comfortable with a(n) (  ) position at the start.

  A. ambiguous

  B. deliberate

  C. comprehensive

  D. alternative

  【答案】D。词汇辨析。A 项:模棱两可的;B 项:深思熟虑的;C 项:全面;D 项:交替的、供选择的。Alternative position 意为不同主张。句意:高语境的中国人往往在一开始就能接受不同的立场。故本题正确答案选 D。

  9. We agreed to sign the contract, the only (  ) being that it would run for at least five years.

  A. stereotype

  B. stethoscope

  C. stimulation

  D. stipulation

  【答案】D。名词辨析。A 项:刻板印象;B 项:听诊器;C 项:刺激;D 项:规定。句意:我们同意签合同,唯一的规定是它至少要持续五年。故本题正确答案选 D。



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