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福建教师招聘考试网 | 2020-05-15 10:17


  1. __________ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education.

  A. Linguistic theory B. Practical linguistics

  C. Applied linguistics D. Comparative linguistics

  2. In English –ise and –tion are called __________.

  A. prefixes B. suffixes C. infixes D. stems

  3. According to Krashen, __________ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.

  A. learning B. competence C. performance D. acquisition

  4. A: Do you know where Mr. Brown is?

  B: Somewhere in the southern suburbs of the city.

  Speaker B violates the maxim of__________.

  A. quality B. quantity C. manner D. relation

  5. Language enables its speakers to refer to all kinds of things, which are either present or absent; either existing at present, in the past or in the future; either real or unreal. This quality is called__________.

  A. arbitrariness B. duality. C. creativity D. displacement

  6. The function of the sentence "A nice day, isn't it? " is__________

  A. informative B. phatic C. directive D. performative

  7. As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___ .

  A. prescriptive B. sociolinguistic C. descriptive D. psycholinguistic

  8. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning _________ is considered.

  A. reference B. speech act C. practical usage D. context

  9. When any of the maxims under the cooperative principle is flouted, _______ might arise.

  A. impoliteness B. contradictions

  C. mutual understanding D. conversational implicature

  10. The root of disagreements is __________.

  A. agreement B. agree C. disagree D. disagreement


  1.C【解析】 考查语言学分支。应用语言学(appliedlinguistics)是研究语言在各个领域中实际应用。对比语言学(comparativelinguistics)是对两种及两种以上的语言进行对比分析。故选C。

  2.B【解析】 考查词缀。A. Prefixes前缀,放在单词前面。B. suffixes后缀,放在单词后面。C. infixes中缀,插入单词里面。D. stems词干,去掉词尾的部分。故选B。

  3.D【解析】 考查语言习得。美国语言学家克拉申在20世纪70年代提出了“语言习得”理论,认为人们掌握语言有两种主要方式:一种是习得,另一种是学习。习得是指通过接触语言来学习语言,无意识地逐渐掌握语言规律。故选D。

  4.B【解析】 考查会话含义理论。A向B打听Mr.Brown在哪儿,B回答说“该市南部郊区的某个地方”。显然B没有提供充足的信息量,但这可能是因为他自己也不是很清楚确切地址。为了遵守质量(quality)7隹则,他只好违反数量(quantity)准则第一条原则——使你的话语如(交谈的当前目的)所要求的那样信息充分。故选B。

  5.D【解析】 考查语言的结构特征。语言的移位性(displacement)是指人类语言可以让使用者在交际时用语言符号代表时间上和空间上不可及的物体、时间和观点。故选D。

  6.B【解析】 考查语言的功能。phatic指应酬功能,是为了建立维持社会接触而进行的日常寒暄。谈论天气是常用的寒暄方式之一。故选B。







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